Desktop - Roys Motel & Cafe Sunset (4k)

Desktop - Roys Motel & Cafe Sunset (4k)


On historic route 66 in Amboy California is one of the most amazing sights of the entire road. A vintage style cafe and motel with beautiful neon lights. I wanted to photograph this scene under the stars for years before I came back to make it happen. I snapped this shot of the scene just as the sun set as I waited for the stars to come out.

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Desktop (4k) - Mesa Arch

Desktop - Moai Quarry Ranu Raraku Sunset - Easter Island

Desktop - Moai Quarry Ranu Raraku Sunset - Easter Island

kodak ektar 100 print leica m7 clouds in rocky mountain national park

Desktop (4k) - Clouds on Kodak Ektar Film

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Desktop - Flower Market Osaka
